If you don't already have Publer scroll down to the bottom for instructions on how to set it up.
Bulk Schedule Social Media Content using Publer - Step by Step
Note: To use bulk upload you must subscribe to Publer's professional package. (you can use our discount code which makes it only £3.22/$4 per month)
1) Download the Publer bulk upload csv from the portal.
(NB: if you open this to edit it you will need to use a plain text editor and resave as .csv - excel will often create formatting issues - Google Sheets works well)
2) Open and log into Publer > Press create (top of the nav on the left)
3) New Post > find bulk upload and choose import csv.
3) Upload your csv.
Wait a moment until you get this notification, then click on the Finish scheduling the posts link.
4. Check your posts and images. (If you want to replace any unbranded media with your own branded ones you can do that here)
Check at the top of the screen that the correct Social Profiles are ticked.
That should be your personal LinkedIn profile + FB If you use it.
5) Update your PDF Carousel posts
While these will publish ok without intervention, they will auto show as a batch of single images on your feed - its a much better user experience if they are posted as a pdf carousel scrolling document. To make that happen you need to tick a box.
Find to the carousel post > Tick the Post Photos as PDF Document option + Fill in a title. (use the title of the carousel or some words from the promo text)
Repeat for the other carousel post.
Once you have checked them all. Press Submit.
4) Check they have published in the Social Planner calendar view.
You can re-check the content and alter it here if you wish.
If you would prefer to do this manually here is how: <insert link to Manual posting>
If you don't already have Publer here is how to set it up:
A large number of MSP's choose Publer to schedule their Social Media.
It's easy to use, works well, is very cost effective and has become the tool we recommend.
One time set up: Get Publer
If you don't already have a Publer account, its really easy to set up at publer.io
You can use a free or a paid account depending on your requirements.
You can use the below link and discount code for 15% off*
Automatic 15% discount link 👇
One time set up: Connect your Social profiles to Publer
First make sure your Publer account has the social profiles you want to post to connected.
Priority 1 - LinkedIn personal profile, then any others you also use.
Our advice is to always post from your LinkedIn personal profile not business page - you will get much better results this way.
To connect these accounts within Publer go to:
Social Accounts>Connect> Select the accounts and profiles log in and set them up.
Choose LinkedIn Profile (not page) and follow the Publer flow to connect it to your LinkedIn personal profile.
If you have a Facebook page you can connect this here too.
You can then manually add your content or you can use the Bulk upload option.