If you are a Tech Tribe member you get access to Growably.
You can post our content using the social media module. You can schedule manually or to save time use bulk upload.
The bulk upload file each month contains a variety of Social Media items non branded. You can use them as they are, or update them with some branded media and personal content too.
The bulk upload sheet includes: 4 x social posts with images, 2 x Infographics (unbranded), 2 x PDF Carousels (unbranded), 4 x tech update videos (unbranded).
To bulk upload the social media content to Growably:
1) Download the Growably bulk upload csv from the portal.
(NB: if you open this to edit it you will need to use a plain text editor and re-save as .csv - excel will often create formatting issues - Google Sheets works well or better - edit from within Publer once its uploaded)
1) Open Growably > Go to Marketing
2) Within the Social Planner Choose +New Post > Upload from CSV
3) Upload your csv, it will ask you to select the relevant Social Account. We recommend LinkedIn personal profile (and you can choose Facebook business page if you have it).
4) Once they have uploaded, you can view and review your posts in the grid.
5) Update your PDF Carousel posts
There will be 2 carousel posts each month (tip: the easiest way to find them is to look for the +9 (or a number larger than 1) in your grid - that shows there are several pages and the carousel is the only one like this)
While these will publish "ok" without intervention, Growably does not accept pdf as an upload type so will render these as a batch of single images on your feed - its a much better user experience if they are posted as a pdf carousel scrolling document. To make that happen you just need to tick a box.
Scroll down your list of posts and find the carousel post > Open it > Find and tick the "Post photos as PDF document" option + enter a title. (use the title of the carousel or some words from the promo text)
Check it looks good and press schedule.
Check the rest of your posts and schedule them.
Pro: You can replace some unbranded media with versions you have branded with your logo, and add some additional personal content of your own.
6) You can check the schedule and view the posts at anytime in the Social Planner calendar view.
Repeat next month.