Each month you get a variety of social media content to use on your LinkedIn. Aim to post something at least 3 or 4 times a week (better still, follow our content calendar). Use a variety of different content including text, images, infographics, and PDF carousels.
On LinkedIn, everything should be posted from your personal profile, not a business page. Why? Because people buy from people, and LinkedIn works better this way.
Here are some guidelines for how to do this - most social media scheduling platforms follow a similar process to do this manually. (or you can try bulk upload)
1) Download your chosen social media content and related media:
This could be the social post text + image
The promotional text with PDF carousel as the media
The promotional text with infographic as the media
The promotional text with a video
Use our content calendar as a guide for what to post when. Or create your own schedule.
2) Open your social media scheduling platform. Go to the calendar scheduling section of your platform.
3) Click on the date you want to schedule a post and click Add Post. Select the social profiles you would like to post to. (Don't forget we recommend you use your LinkedIn personal profile. Use Facebook company page)
4. Copy across the social post text and upload the media (image/carousel/infographic/video)
5) Check the image and image preview are pulling through
6) Choose a time 7:30am is good for the algorithm but choose a time that you like. Press schedule
7) Copy across and schedule your remaining posts for the rest of the month.
8) Check that the calendar is showing all the posts as scheduled and that the previews are working.
Repeat this each month
Better: use bulk upload