Each Thursday a new video and blog article are provided and ready to use.
The weekly syndicated blog is the cornerstone of your weekly marketing; The content shows you are active and positions you as THE local technology expert. You’ll be using it to drive traffic to your site.
To implement this you will need a blog section on your website and a blog page template with:
Video embed section
Body copy section
You also need to make sure you can add a canonical url, this avoids duplicate content penalties from Google. More about that here.
How to Implement the weekly blog:
Automate this: If you use WordPress you can use our AutoBlog plugin to push the content straight into your site each week.
Each week publish your weekly blog article and video on your website.
1) Open the weekly content (delivered every Thursday)
2) Start a new blog post on your website
3) Copy the content over so it displays in this order:
· Headline
· Video embed
· Article body
Don't forget the featured image if your website uses one & excerpt text to show on your main blog page.
4) Add the canonical URL tag
*This is important to avoid Google penalising you for duplicate content
5) Preview and check the page
6) Schedule your post to publish
Repeat every week with the new content.
... and don't forget to drive traffic to this blog using the blog social post & blog email which are provided as part of your weekly marketing content.